
Over time dead grass clippings can build up within the lawn and begin to choke out the lawn. These undecomposed grass clippings create a blanket over the lawn and cause the lawn to compete for space, light, and airflow. An increase in weeds often results.

This conditional generally occurs due to lack of proper, regular mowing on a weekly basis. When the lawn is neglected and allowed to grow to extreme lengths, the eventual resulting grass clipping (when finally mowed) are too much for the lawn to naturally break down. This creates a matt of dead grass clippings interweaved within the lawn.

Dethatching is the process of using a machine to mechanically remove (or rake out) this dead grass debris and remove it from the lawn.

Note: There is often a misconception of what is considered “thatch” vs. dead lawn debris. Thatch is a mix of living and dead plant material consisting of stems, roots, stolens, etc. and is a spongy layer residing directly on top of the soil (at the base of the grass plant). In Indiana we generally do not have a thatch problem, but more often a lawn debris issue (i.e. dead grass clippings).

If you’re lawn has an overall dull or brown haze to it, or you notice the lawn consists of an abundance of dead grass clippings (rather than primarily healthy, green leaf blades) then we recommend dethatching to remove the dead lawn debris from the lawn.

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